Global Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (GADM) publishes original papers in Mathematics, particularly in classical mathematical analysis, differential and difference equations, combinatorics and graph theory, linear algebra, applicable and abstract algebra, numerical analysis, and computer science. Submissions dealing with applications of mathematical models in other sciences or real-world problems are welcome provided they focus on mathematics rather than application itself.

We would like to inform our esteemed authors, researchers, and visitors that as of 2023, Volume 8, our journal's name has been changed to "Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Nonlinear Equations (ANSNE)." This change enhances our scientific identity and improves the quality of the content we provide.  
Please note that our website address has been updated to, and our journal's email address has also changed to We kindly ask you to use these updated contact details for all correspondence, submissions, and accessing journal information.  
We believe that the new name better represents our goals and mission; it will assist us in advancing and developing our scholarly contributions. All articles, research, and content published under the previous journal name will remain available in our archive and easily accessible.  
We invite all authors and researchers to submit their articles and studies to "ANSNE" as we continue on this journey. We also kindly request that you use the new journal name in your communications.  

Thank you for your continued support.
Editorial Office
Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Nonlinear Equations (ANSNE)

The Journal of Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Nonlinear Equations (ANSNE) publishes original papers of high scientific value in some areas of applied mathematics. Among the areas and disciplines covered are numerical and analytical methods in nonlinear equations, financial mathematics, and control theory. Also, the improved analysis, including the effectiveness and applicability, of existing methods and algorithms is of importance. The computational efficiency (e.g., the convergence, stability, accuracy, ...) should be proved and illustrated by nontrivial numerical examples. Papers describing only variants of existing methods, without adding significant new computational properties are not of interest. 

We want to publish high-quality peer-reviewed papers, free of charge and with open access for all authors and readers.

Peer refereeing by leading experts (see our Editorial Board). Each paper will be peer-referenced by leading experts in the subject of the paper.

All submitted papers are checked by iThenticate against plagiarism before the review process.

As a rule, within two to three months of a submission, the corresponding author will be informed about the decision regarding the paper. Shortly after the paper is accepted, it will be posted on the website, becoming available to the public before appearing in the printed edition.

This Journal is an open access Journal Licensed under the  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).



This journal follows of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards by ethical laws.


Current Issue: Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2023, Pages 1-159 

An Extension of Order Bounded Operators

Pages 1-11


Kazem Haghnejad Azar; Sajjad Ghanizadeh Zare; Somayeh Hazrati

On NeutroEngelGroups

Pages 13-20


Fahime Mohammadzadeh; Elahe Mohammadzadeh

The Maximum Edge Eccentricity Energy of a Graph

Pages 95-105


Saeed Mohammadian Semnani; Akram sadat Banihashemi dehkordi

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