✅ Standards for Publishing in ANSNE and Publishing Policy
The Journal of Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Nonlinear Equations (ANSNE) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality, originality, and relevance in its publications. Authors are encouraged to review the following guidelines carefully before submitting their manuscripts:
1. Manuscript Requirements
Relevance and Applicability: The topic and results of the paper must demonstrate clear relevance and potential applications. Articles with well-documented applications are given priority.
Mathematical Contribution: Submissions must address mathematical problems, with significant advancements in mathematical methods as their primary contribution. Articles focusing solely on applications without a clear mathematical foundation will not be considered.
Motivation: Manuscripts should provide a well-articulated motivation for the research, supported by a concise review of previous studies. Any introduction of new methods, techniques, or definitions must be clearly justified.
Completeness: Papers should be comprehensive, containing all necessary components of the research without omitting significant details.
2. Originality and Ethical Standards
Original Contributions: Submissions must present original research. Incremental improvements or minor generalizations of existing work are unlikely to be accepted unless they provide significant new insights.
Similarity Check: All submissions undergo a similarity check to ensure originality. Manuscripts with significant overlap with other works, whether cited or uncited, may be rejected, and editors reserve the right to take appropriate action.
3. Peer Review Process
The journal follows a single-blind peer review process:
Anonymous Reviewers: The identity of reviewers is kept confidential, while the authors’ identities are visible to the reviewers.
Editorial Screening: Submissions are first screened by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board. Manuscripts may be rejected at this stage if they are out of scope, poorly written, or fail to meet the journal’s standards.
External Peer Review: Manuscripts passing the initial screening are sent to at least two independent experts for detailed evaluation. Authors may suggest potential referees during submission, although the final selection rests with the Editorial Board.
4. Article Types
The journal accepts the following types of articles:
- Original Research Articles.
- Review Articles.
✅ Instructions for Authors
1. Preparing the Manuscript
- Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English.
- Authors are required to prepare their articles using LaTeX. A LaTeX template is available here.
- Submissions should be uploaded as PDF files for initial submission.
- To prevent upload errors, especially for large files, it is recommended to upload the PDF as the main document and submit the source files (LaTeX, figures, etc.) in a compressed (ZIP) folder.
- Upon submitting a revised manuscript, authors must provide all source files (LaTeX, figures, etc.).
2. Online Submission
- Authors must register on the journal’s website before submitting a manuscript.
- Manuscripts can only be submitted via the online submission system. Once registered, authors can use their credentials for future submissions.
- The corresponding author is responsible for all communications related to the manuscript and must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the submission.
3. Manuscript Structure
Title Page
Ensure that the title page contains the following details:
- Title: A concise and informative title.
- Author Information:
- Full names of all authors.
- Affiliation of each author (institution, department, city, country).
- A clearly indicated corresponding author with an active email address.
- If available, the 16-digit ORCID of each author.
- A structured abstract of 150 to 250 words is required.
- The abstract should not contain undefined abbreviations or references.
- Provide 3 to 6 keywords to facilitate indexing.
4. Formatting and Technical Requirements
- Manuscripts must be submitted in LaTeX format.
- Authors’ Contributions: Clearly state each author's role in the research and manuscript preparation.
- Data Availability: Authors must provide a statement outlining how readers can access the data supporting the study’s conclusions. If the data cannot be shared, the reasons must be clearly stated.
- Conflict of Interest Statement: All conflicts of interest (financial, academic, or personal) must be disclosed.
- Ethical Considerations: Confirm compliance with ethical guidelines, including approvals and informed consent if applicable.
- Funding Statement: Clearly indicate any funding sources and financial support received for the research.
- Acknowledgments should list contributors, funding sources, and any institutional support received.
5. References and Citations
In-Text Citations
Citations should be numbered in square brackets:
- As demonstrated in recent studies [3].
- This method has been widely explored [1-3,7].
Reference List Format
The list of references should only include works cited in the text and follow a numbered format. Examples:
- Journal Article
S. Foadian, R. Pourgholi, S. H. Hashem Tabasi, J. Damirchi, The inverse solution of the coupled nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations by the Haar wavelets, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 96(1), 105–125 (2019).
- Article with DOI
Y. Behrouzi, A. Basiri, R. Pourgholi, A. A. Kiaei, Fusion of medical images using Nabla operator; Objective evaluations and step-by-step statistical comparisons, Plos one, 18(8), e0284873 (2023). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284873
- Book
J. V. Beck, B. Blackwell, C. R. St. Clair, Inverse Heat Conduction: IllPosed Problems, Wiley-Interscience, NewYork, (1985).
- Book Chapter
M. Anthony, N. Biggs, Mathematics for economics and finance: methods and modelling, Cambridge University Press, (2024), pp. 12–22.
6. Submission Tracking
- Authors can monitor the status of their submission by logging into their account and navigating to Your Submissions in the Author Menu.
- The editorial office is available for any queries regarding the submission and review process.
✅ Policies and Forms
- Copyright Transfer Agreement: Upon acceptance, the corresponding author must submit a signed copyright transfer agreement on behalf of all co-authors. The form can be downloaded here.
- Conflict of Interest Statement: Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest by submitting a signed Conflict of Interest Confirmation Form, available here, upon acceptance.
✅ Charges and Open Access Policy
- No Submission Charges: ANSNE does not charge any fees for manuscript submission.
- No Publication Fees: There are no fees associated with the publication of articles.
- Open Access: This journal provides immediate open access to its content, promoting the global exchange of knowledge.
✅ Key Notes for Authors
- Submissions must adhere to the journal’s Ethical Publishing Standards and Scope.
- Papers must be professionally written and proofread before submission. Manuscripts that do not meet the required standards may be rejected at the initial screening stage.
- Authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the journal’s editorial policies and ensure all co-authors are aware of and agree with the submission.